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21 June: Father’s Day Ideas from PNA

Show Dad how much you appreciate him with a gift he actually wants, and a day packed with activities any man would love. Before you start worrying about what to get your father for his day, you can relax a little, because there’s still some ample time, and we’ve gathered some unique ideas to honour your dad, father figures, stepfathers, foster fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers.

Although different families celebrate Father’s Day in different ways, from cards to masculine gifts, we suggest adding a twist with creative activities to spend one-on-one, quality time with the person guiding, supporting and loving his family the way he knows best.

Luckily, there’s a PNA branch close to you to shop the latest and most affordable stationery, educational and office essentials you’ll need to map the most memorable day of all time. Ready? Let’s plan…


The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and is no different from dads. They have to eat breakfast, doesn’t matter what it is…a breakfast bar, yoghurt and muesli or bacon eggs, and toast. It’s easy to add something uniquely made by you to the plate – whether it’s a personalised card, a plate mat with messages or memories written on it, or a mug you and your siblings have decorated with markers as The #1 Dad. This is the easy part of the day; what will we include on the agenda next?

The gift

This is the tricky part because from last year’s Father’s Day up until now, you had to pay close attention to clues he dropped as to what he needs, and this year the results of your listening or observing skills will pay off. No matter which gift you decide on, add one (or both) of PNA’s free printable colouring sheets to it. You have a choice between ‘Daddy of the Year’ or ‘Daddy My Hero’ …we know it’s difficult to choose a favourite, so why not add both, you’re father could be Hero of the Year, right? ! If you can hear your dad saying ‘get a coaster for that glass’, perhaps some new coasters are in order? If your big man is someone with some organising issues, and we’re not judging, we love and embrace both good and bad, think about a homemade paperweight. If your pa is somewhat of a bookworm, remind him that reality still loves him too with a fancy PNA bookmark coloured and decorated to your liking. Again, you have an option between a Tie Bookmark or a Pencil Bookmark. There are so many exciting ideas that it drives us crazy. The most important is to personalise the gift according to your pops’ liking and character.

The rest of the day…

The rest of the day is up to your dad, but we suggest playing some games to encourage laughter and moments that can be caught on camera. Generally, fathers only seek time and attention from their children anyway. PNA stocks a variety of puzzles, board games, and supplies to create your own set! Yes, maybe you’ll have to do some research and think about rules your dad won’t be able to cheat (even though he’ll still try), but if it’s fresh, we guarantee an opportunity that this will become a tradition.

A fun family craft activity could be to cut out letters from cardboard such as ‘DAD’ or ‘PA’ and get the old photo box from the cupboard. Let your father choose his favourite photos and paint them with paintbrushes and Modge Podge onto the letters, till they’re full of pictures. Your dad can decide if he either wants to hang his letter memories or let them stand on his desk.

The whole day and not just a couple of hours should be to show your father your appreciation of his influence in your life. Make the best of it; even if it means taking him along to your nearest PNA store – who knows, he might show interest in something you could use for next year’s Father’s Day?! 😉

Happy Father’s Day, PNA!

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