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Happy Festive Season & New Year! We’ll See You In 2021.

Happy Festive Season & New Year 2020

The festive season is finally here, but just as quickly it has arrived, it passes too. We want to encourage you to spend valuable time with family and friends during this time, sponging up every little memory you create together. Every family’s plans for this holiday differ, but one thing stands – it’s time for giving, caring, sharing, and love.

Try to enjoy even the things that usually annoy you whether it’s excessive food preparations or the dishes that go with it. 2020 has shown us that life is short and can change in the blink of an eye. We have no idea what happens tomorrow. Cherish every moment and be grateful for what you have now.

Christmas 2020

This year isn’t a year we want to remember, but make this Christmas one for the books! Not just with your loved ones, but for your fellow citizens. Donate a plate of festive food to someone on the street – there are so many leftovers anyways… Or help a child out with a stationery pack for the new year, presents don’t always have to be toys, but could be educational like books.

2021 – The New Year

Together with the abovementioned, take time to reflect on who you are, what you’ve been through, your new year’s goals and what the new year means to you. Do you choose to push to realise your dream of opening an art studio or offering craft classes? It’s a new beginning offering new possibilities and challenges – take the bull by the horns and achieve what it is that you feel will fulfil you.

We’re all heading back to work and school soon. Maybe changing your environment a bit, if possible, is crossing your mind? Adding a colourful desk piece from our Facebook page, such as a flower-clay bowl or painted rocks as paper weighs.

Perhaps motivate your child with unique stationery from your favourite PNA store. If you thought, ‘Damn, this year has been confusing!’, imagine their thoughts and not even fully grasping what has happened and why we all should wear masks still. Boost your offspring’s confidence and colour their world with at least one item they can’t take their eyes off or so desperately want in-store.

If you’re not aware, PNA, across the country, is having Back To School promotions. Visit your nearest store to see how you can swoosh up the new year for you and your family. We have to warn you that you’ll get lost in all the products available, and you’ll end up spending hours in-store, but we understand the overwhelming experience. 😜

However and wherever you spend this season, have fun and colour everyone’s world possible! Be safe and take care. We’ll see all our PNA stationeers, creators and innovators on the other side.

Enjoy! With love, PNA.

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