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Drawing Day: Don’t Fear The Blank Page, Let It Fear You.

Drawing Day

It’s Drawing Day! Yeah, this is probably one of our favourite days to celebrate. The best thing about it is that anyone can participate. Now, if you feel a bit uncomfortable because the last time you drew was in primary school, we encourage you to put pen, or pencil, to paper and see what comes from it…

Who knows, you might end up liking it to the point where you consider other drawing tools such as charcoal or crayons… imagine holding those little guys between your fingers again! Whatever medium you choose, we hope that today brings out your inner artist, and hopefully, you’ll flourish every other day.

If you’re a beginner or a pro, we want you to know that everything inside you is valuable and deserving to be shared with the world. Enjoy the day with us and help us bring much-needed appreciation and awareness to the artists and illustrators among us.

We have a couple of tutorials we want to share with you, but first, ensure that you visit your nearest PNA store today to gather all the supplies you might need, or want to experiment with, whether it’s graphite pencils, pen, ink, inked brushes, wax colour pencils, charcoal, pastel, chalk and other kinds of erasers, markers, styluses, etc.

PNA Tutorials To Try

  • Shade with Shelby Downey

Want to know how to shade? Follow these easy steps as Shelby Downey shows us just how simple it is.

  • Ballpoint Pen Shading Techniques by Themba Mkhangeli

Ballpoint pen art is an art form that is not seen every day but deserves to be right up there with all the other intricate artforms. Drawings are created by using several techniques, from drawing lines to making dots. Themba shares some valuable tips for those who want to give this unique art form a try.

  • Donkie Skets Deur Ronell Neethling

Ronelle het hierdie metode gekies, omdat so baie mense voel hulle kan nie teken nie, en dan voel hulle, hulle kan nie kuns projekte aanpak nie. Ons hoop die metode gee jou selfvertroue en is die gevolg van ure se genotvolle crafting.

Featured Drawing Artists from Instagram

We appreciate every single artist tagging us on Instagram with their stunning pieces. We encourage you to search these brilliant talents, follow them and like their posts – they blow us away, every time!

Feeling inspired yet? Don’t fear the blank page; let it fear you! Let your pencil run wild, and don’t worry about making mistakes; that’s what erasers are for… When you begin to open up your heart and mind, you will let out your authentic energy and nature. What are the emotions you feel the most? Some of the most vividly haunting paintings ever have been about everyday emotions that we go through.

Go, explore! Happy Drawing Day, PNA fans!

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