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It’s International Creativity Month: PNA Favourite Places to Find Creative Inspiration

Hey there, fellow creators! Can you feel the electric buzz in the air? January doesn’t JUST mean the start of a new year… It’s that time of the year again – International Creativity Month is upon us, and with it comes the promise of endless artistic possibilities. In this blog, we’ll unravel the secrets behind the PNA team’s inspiration, guiding you through an extensive exploration of our favourite sources to ignite your creativity this month. Think of this as the match that ignites your artistic flame!

In a world where creativity knows no boundaries, it’s crucial to cast a wide net when seeking inspiration. You’ve got the whole world at your fingertips, so there’s tons to choose from! From the digital realms to the tangible touchpoints of everyday life, the avenues of available inspiration are as diverse as your imagination.  Let’s uncover the spark for your next crafting masterpiece, together.

The Power of Digital Inspiration

In an era dominated by technology, the internet has become an expansive canvas for creative minds. Platforms like Pinterest and Instagram stand out as virtual playgrounds, hosting a myriad of innovative ideas waiting to be uncovered. The great thing about the content on these apps is that it’s largely created by other at-home crafters just like you! They also make great places to share your own creativity for feedback and collaboration. These aren’t just apps; they are gateways to a universe brimming with inspiration.

Pinterest: A Treasure Trove of Ideas

Put a pin in that inspiration with Pinterest, the virtual mood board of the internet! Explore the multifaceted ways this platform can be harnessed to find and organise your creative ideas. From clever search strategies to tips on curating your own digital vision board, acquainting yourself with this platform will allow you to build a customised feed that’s entirely aligned with your specific crafting niches and aesthetic tastes. Sound like fun? Well, it is!

Instagram: Connecting with Creatives

Instagram, the visual banquet for creatives! Uncover the secrets of the PNA Instagram page and other artistic accounts that can serve as your daily dose of inspiration. Connect with the vibrant creative community, sharing ideas, and staying ahead of the curve on the latest trends. The best way to find craft inspiration accounts on Instagram? Just search your craft’s hashtag to see the best of the best! You can do this by popping int the search bar and typing “#[your craft’s name, with no spaces]”. As an example, an avid crocheter would look up #Crochet or #pastelcrochet to see examples of what they love!

Nature and the Outdoors

Venture outdoors and let nature be your guiding muse. From the mesmerising hues of a sunset to the intricate patterns found in leaves, the natural world offers an abundance of inspiration. Take a leisurely stroll, breathe in the fresh air, and let the great outdoors become the wellspring of your imaginative musings. Especially here in SA, we have a myriad of diversity right in our backyard, and it’s so easy to pop out and see something magic. So, get out there and get crafty!

Everyday Objects and Experiences

Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life lies an often-overlooked reservoir of inspiration. Discover the creative potential in everyday objects, from the humble coffee mug on your desk to the vibrant street art that graces your daily commute.  Being mindful of the little things that you encounter on your day-to-day routine that you find beautiful is the first step in infusing creativity into the fabric of your daily existence. There’s something wonderful in every space if you look for it.

Art and Craft Stores (Like PNA)

We may be a little biased here, but this one is a team favourite – finding inspiration in the enchantment of art and craft stores! Take a leisurely stroll through the aisles of your local PNA, where our shelves are stacked with infinite possibilities and potential. Explore the massive range of materials and tools on offer, each promising to unlock new dimensions of creativity. Your next masterpiece might be just a shopping trip away. Check out our nifty store locator to find your nearest PNA.

Bringing Inspiration to Life

Feeling inspired is marvellous, but the true magic lies in translating that inspiration into tangible projects. We know life and feel busy, and sometimes taking that first step in translating the creative ideas in your head into real life projects can feel the most daunting. Consider this blog your sign to get started, even if you’re not totally sure of the exact direction your project is going in. You’ll probably find even more inspiration during the process!

Unleash your creativity

True magic in your creative process can lie in the diversity of sources you draw inspiration from. From the digital frontier to the great outdoors and the mundane beauty of everyday life, every experience contributes a unique hue to your creative palette. Choose the creative rainbow, andembrace the joy of crafting during International Creativity Month – your creativity knows no bounds! Ready to breathe life into your inspired ideas? Take a step into the wonderful world of PNA. Visit your nearest store (which you can find on our nifty store locator) for a treasure trove of supplies waiting to be uncovered. Let’s make this International Creativity Month the most vibrant and imaginative one yet!

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