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Embrace Your Inner Artist: Painting Without Drawing!


Hey there art enthusiasts and the creatively curious! Are you someone who’s always wanted to dive into the world of art but feels a bit intimidated by drawing? We definitely know that feeling. Fear not, though because today we’re going to explore a variety of painting techniques that don’t require any drawing skills. If you dream of creating beautiful paintings but struggle to render anything more sophisticated than a stick man with a smiley face. So grab your brushes (or squeegees!), and let’s get painting! Nobody will even be able to tell you’re a less-than-skilled capturer of forms!

Here at PNA, we think art should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their drawing abilities. If you’re one of those people who can’t draw to save your life, don’t worry! There are plenty of painting techniques that allow you to create stunning artwork without relying on your drawing skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist looking to try something new, these fun painting techniques are sure to unlock your creative potential.

Have you ever wondered how you can create impressive artwork without having to sketch beforehand? Well, we have some exciting techniques to share with you that will unleash your inner artist. Let’s get going – no sketchiness involved…

Squeegee Painting


Let’s kick off our artistic adventure with squeegee painting. This technique involves using a squeegee, typically used for cleaning windows, to create mesmerising abstract designs. By dragging the squeegee across your canvas or paper, you can achieve beautiful blends of colours and create unique textures. It’s a delightful way to explore your creativity and let your imagination run wild.

To get started with squeegee painting, you’ll need some basic supplies. Visit your nearest PNA store to shop for squeegees, acrylic paints, canvases, and brushes. Experiment with different colours and techniques, and don’t be afraid to get messy. The beauty of squeegee painting is that every swipe of the tool reveals a new surprise. Unleash your inner Jackson Pollock and create abstract masterpieces that will captivate your audience.

Platter Painting

plate art

Next up, we’re serving you platter paintings. Imagine transforming ordinary platters into stunning works of art. With platter painting, you can unleash your creativity on ceramic or wooden platters using various painting techniques, and create artworks that are both beautiful AND functional. Whether you prefer delicate floral patterns or bold, abstract designs, platter painting offers endless possibilities. PLUS you get to show them off to all your guests!

Begin by selecting a plain platter as your canvas. Once you have your platter ready, gather your paints, brushes, and any additional materials you’d like to use, such as stencils or masking tape from your nearest PNA store.

Plan your design or let your imagination guide you as you create unique and personalised platter art. The key to successful platter painting is going decorative, abstract and ornamental instead of opting for realist drawings. Simplicity will make a statement.

Platter painting is not only a fantastic way to express your artistic side but also a wonderful way to add a touch of creativity to your home décor. Picture yourself serving delectable treats to your guests on beautifully hand-painted platters. It’s a sure-fire way to impress!

Pattern Batik


If you’re looking for a technique that combines painting and fabric art, pattern batik is the way to go. Originating from Indonesia, this traditional art form involves applying hot wax to fabric and then painting over it. The wax creates a resist, allowing you to create intricate patterns and designs with precision. Once the painting is complete, the wax is removed, revealing the vibrant colours underneath.

To get started with pattern batik, you’ll need a few essential supplies. Visit your local PNA store or their online shop to find fabric, wax, brushes, and fabric paints in a variety of hues. Begin by tracing your design onto the fabric. Then, apply hot wax using a brush or a tjanting tool. Once the wax is dry, use your chosen fabric paint to add vibrant colours to your creation.

The exciting part about pattern batik is the element of surprise. As you paint over the wax, the resist creates beautiful textures and patterns that emerge once the wax is removed. Experiment with different colour combinations and techniques to create stunning textile art pieces. Whether you choose to make clothing, wall hangings, or accessories, pattern batik is sure to leave you with a unique and eye-catching masterpiece, without the anxiety of having to create realistic drawings.

Acrylic Pouring


Prepare to be mesmerised by the magic of acrylic pouring. Seriously, it’s hypnotic! This trendy technique involves pouring acrylic paint onto a canvas or other surface and letting gravity work its wonders. As the paint flows and blends, it creates fascinating patterns and abstract compositions. The best part? You don’t need any drawing skills to create captivating acrylic pour artwork. You just need to be able to pour!

To start acrylic pouring, you’ll need a variety of acrylic paints, pouring mediums, mixing cups, and canvases. PNA offers a wide range of acrylic pouring supplies to help you achieve stunning results, whether you’re going for vibrant, colourful pours or elegant, minimalist designs.

Experiment with different pouring techniques, such as the flip cup method or the swipe technique, which you can find tutorials for on YouTube. Watch as the colours mix and merge, creating intricate patterns that are unique to each pour. Acrylic pouring is a therapeutic process that allows you to let go of control and embrace the fluid nature of the paint. You’ll be amazed by the professional results you can achieve with this technique, even as a total amateur.

Art for Everyone!

Do you feel inspired to unleash your artistic side, even if you can’t draw? Remember, art is for everyone, and these painting techniques provide fantastic avenues for self-expression and creativity, no matter your skill level. It’s 2023, don’t let a lack of drawing skills hold you back.

Visit your local PNA store to explore the world of painting without drawing, and you might just discover your new favourite medium. With the right supplies and a splash of imagination, you’ll uncover the joy of creating beautiful art pieces that are uniquely yours. Happy painting, PNArtists!

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