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Life Hack: Shop your Back-to-School stationery THIS YEAR for 2023 to beat the rush!

Back To School 2022-2023

We know. We KNOW. The little ones (or you, if you’re a student) are still AT school, so shopping for back-to-school supplies now seems ludicrous. We get it. However, we’ve figured out that shopping for your BTS stationery now has several benefits, and we thought we’d share them with you in case we can change your mind. While making this list, we even surprised ourselves with what a good idea this early shopping is. Here goes. This is why NOW is the time to get your 2023 stationery in the PNA bag:

  1. You beat the Back-to-School queues

We believe there’s only one activity that literally nobody likes doing. It’s not fighting – some people willingly join the UFC. It’s not being uncomfortable, as you can tell from people that climb Mount Everest. It’s not even being cold. There’s a whole community of swimmers following a guy called Wim Hof, that tells you it’s GOOD to be cold sometimes… Nope. It’s standing in a queue. Whether it’s for something fun like a theme park or something soul-destroying like applying for a license renewal at home affairs, there’s absolutely no fun in standing around waiting for your turn. If you buy your stationery now, you’ll skip the queue entirely and cruise in and out of your local PNA in a matter of minutes. You don’t have to fight the whole of Mrs Vosloo’s incoming grade 5 class for a very specific type of protractor if you grab it three months in advance!

P.S. The one you’re looking for is the Helix 180-degree protractor, 15cm. Just so you know.

  1. You get all the good stuff

Though we’re always going to do our best to keep our stores stocked up for your convenience, some items always go really fast when the back-to-school rush begins. We can’t fill a whole aisle with book jackets covered in characters from Disney’s Frozen, no matter how much we want to. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of arriving on the first day back at school with the coolest branded gear, and you’re way surer to get your hands on it if you shop it now rather than later. We know money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy the funkiest binder in the grade, and that’s pretty close.

We think you’ll love the range of pastel colours the PNA Lever Arch File 70mm/75mm Polyprop comes in!

  1. It will feel like you’re saving money

Let’s face it. Life’s getting more expensive. Every day, a few more cents get bumped onto that budget. It’s pretty stressful for everyone involved, we know. That’s why we think you should jump on that Back-to-School shopping before the inevitable big spending this festive season and save what you can now before the inevitable scariness that comes with empty wallets in January. PNA offers excellent value for money all year round, but your bank account may not be feeling so full after the holidays, so act now to avoid stress.

For example, you’ll get massive savings when you buy our comfy range of Boomerang Orthopedic Backpacks in fun assorted colours.

  1. You get to give stationery as gifts

A new backpack when you need it before the first day of term? A necessity. A new backpack sitting under the Christmas tree, wrapped in Avengers paper? The coolest thing EVER! Kill two birds with one PNA shopping trip this festive season when you turn some of the bigger back-to-school purchases into presents for the little ones. More often than not, it’s the VOLUME of presents rather than the quality causing excitement, so if you’re wrapping up glittery pens, fun pencil cases and exciting stickers, you’ll be sure to delight the kids in your life even more. After all, you were going to buy them anyway. Why not have a little extra fun?

Get festive with Croxley Create Gel Pens in glitter, neon, and pastel!

  1. You get to beat the January stress

After a fantastic December – especially how South Africans treat “Dezemba,” – getting back to your regular routine in January can feel like a crash landing back to a reality that you weren’t quite braced for. For schoolgoers, it’s packed with even more change, difference, and potential for stress. Between shopping for school uniforms, figuring out what to do now that the oldest “doesn’t eat peanut butter” for no discernable reason, and sorting out lift schedules for three separate sports teams, you have a lot on your plate. Take stationery shopping off that list by getting it done way in advance. Like, today!

If you need some help planning out your next steps, why not jot down your to-do’s on a PNA 2023 A2 Wall Planner to get planning ahead of schedule?

Have we convinced you why it’s time to do your back-to-school shopping already? We bet! If not, what might seal the deal is looking at our Back-to-School catalogue to spy out the latest deals on quality stationery must-haves for 2023. We know you’ll find something you like!

Come visit us in-store for an even wider range and see out the last of 2022 the PNA way!

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