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Mandela Day 2021: Join PNA in Uplifting the Dignity of Others!

Mandela Day 2021

Annually, we celebrate Mandela Day on 18 July, and this year is no exception even though we still find ourselves amid a global pandemic. Last year, PNA provided our staff with colouring template sheets to show our appreciation, caring and kindness digitally, from a distance. Let’s take a trip down memory lane here.

This year isn’t very different. We continue to encourage everyone to ‘Be Kind’ and to ‘Get Well Soon’ in these challenging and uncertain times. We want to remind you that there are, and will always be, creative ways to spend Mandela Day, such as donating reading-related resources, painting a mural, writing and spreading inspiring quotes and stories, knitting blankets, and gifting stationery packs.

Mandela Day Theme 2021

There is more to this special day than celebrating Madiba’s life and legacy. It’s a global movement to take his achievements into a new era and change the world for the better – one action at a time. Therefore, this year’s theme is One Hand can Feed Another.

Take this whole month and choose to #TakeActionAgainstPoverty. Yes, most initiatives will be digital, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no hope in helping our fellow citizens, even if it’s not physical. You can volunteer safely from your home or office by using your skills and interests to help an online cause like coaching, mentoring, finance, tech support, or marketing.

Purchase much-needed items online and arrange to have them delivered to your charity of choice or donate money instead. Even the smallest donation counts! Participate in the Nelson Mandela Foundation’s Each One Feed One campaign to relieve families facing food insecurity due to Covid-19. Be part of the community that reaches the R500,000 target!

Include PNA in Your Mandela Day Plans

Using Nelson Mandela’s own words: “It’s in your hands to make the world a better place.” So, find something you’re interested in and take part in #MandelaDay!

We know times are tough, and not everyone has the finances to make up stationery packs for an entire school or class. If you do, count yourself lucky and hopefully, you’ll choose to make someone else smile… But perhaps think about one stationery item you can buy an entire box of, to donate instead. There are pencils, pens, paper, exercise books, glue… it doesn’t have to be fancy stationery items.

We invite you to your nearest PNA store, to wander around and let your creative juices flow in how to make little go a long way.  We guarantee you will find the answer to foster kindness, humility and generosity towards those around you. Pick our staff’s brains for ideas, or ask them their opinions and assistance; we would love to inspire and be inspired! Here are a couple of suggestions to consider from the Mandela Day website.

This year doesn’t allow for excuses. However you choose to practise commitment to uplifting the dignity of others, we hope you proactively enjoy Mandela Day.

Happy Mandela Day, PNA fans! And most of all, stay safe.

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