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Youth Day 2021: Join Our #37Years Challenge!

Youth Day 2021

We are thrilled to spend another Youth Day with our PNA fans! Tomorrow, we celebrate the 37th anniversary of this spectacular day, and yet again, we’re honouring our creative young talent. We second Nelson Mandela on his message, “To the youth of today, I also have a wish to make: be the scriptwriters of your destiny and feature yourselves as stars that showed the way towards a bright future.”

Just like any other year, we also honour the many young lives lost during the Soweto Uprising in 1976. Therefore, we encourage every young person this year to use their creative talents and participate in the challenge of creating something demonstrating #37Years of #YouthDay.

Whether you use crayons, quilling, paint, watercolour, sketching, mosaic, or dot painting, we want to see your artwork! Tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and we’ll feature all the pieces in a follow-up blog.

Unfortunately, there are no prizes up for grabs, but PNA supports our youth’s voices, and we don’t want to tell you what this day and age should mean to you, but we want to know what this day, its history and its future means to you! That’s what’s most important to us.

So, get those pieces together and post them during Youth Month. We want to see realistic, abstract, weird, colourful, and, of course, fun. In the meantime, we’re featuring recent sharings with everyone below. Feel free to click on the pieces to be taken to the artists’ Instagram accounts and make sure to follow them for more incredible creations.

Thank you to everyone tagging us in your posts. You are a significant inspiration to other artists, the community and us.

Now, may you already have an idea of what to create, and if you don’t, don’t worry. We’re sure it will come to you within the next few days. However, we wish you a stunning Youth Day and a prosperous year ahead. Until we blog about you again, young PNA fans…

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