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World Creative & Innovative Day: Kids’ crafts with meaning.

Kids' Crafts for World Creative and Innovation Day

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” – Scott Adams

Today, we celebrate creativity, and despite what society tells you, or what you may tell yourself, you are creative! Ambiguity fuels us. We are the early adopters of challenging the status quo and the gate swingers of unchartered territories. Our empathy opens our hearts to a deeper connection, and our curiosity opens our minds to greater possibilities. Our unwillingness to stop at failure opens our futures to a world of opportunity. Together, we make our dreams happen. We are a community of doers, creators, igniters, explorers, and leaders. We conquered the fears of yesterday, create the change of today and foster the innovation of tomorrow. We empower and encourage everyone to use new ideas and take new action towards making the world, and our place in it, better through creativity. Say #IAmCreative.

We encourage you to eliminate the hum-drum day-to-day sameness. It is time to open that creative centre, no matter how far inside the mind it has been buried, and try to be part of making the world a better place! This can be achieved by generating ideas that solve problems, looking at the world differently, meeting with different people, sharing innovative ideas, or visiting a new culture. However, we’re taking you through some innovative kids’ crafts that can set the world on a whole new path!

Find a rainbow: Finding a rainbow might not be as easy as it sounds, but a lucky person can catch a quick glimpse and even take a snapshot of one of these wonderful natural events. Teach your youngsters to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud with these easy-peasy rainbow crafts.

Spread your wings: Use a pencil, pen, felt tip or chalk to teach your kids that they’re born free. Draw a picture of a bird in tribute to our feathered friends and acknowledge that diversity exists. Will they draw a chicken or an ostrich? Perhaps a peacock, penguin or goose? Here’s a tutorial on how to draw a flying parrot, and if your child wings this one, there are other birds to draw as well, like a sparrow or toucan.

Make your house a home: A house is not a home without a pet. Teach your kids that pets are human’s loyal companions, and once they’re in, they are in for life. Get them into the habit of caring for those without voices by teaching them the difference between types and breeds. However, bringing humans and all animals together helps make the world a better place. Make these lessons exciting with DIY animal face masks for kids.

Every season is necessary: Yes, most people dislike autumn, and especially winter, but as the seasons of weather change, so do our lives. Like summer, our life can look dry; like autumn, we can enter new beginnings; like winter, we can be cold and barren, and like spring, we can be blooming. Through every season, there is purpose. No matter what season your kiddos might find themselves in, teach them to discover the beautiful. Here’s an example of an autumn bucket list to help you create a custom one for your little ones.

Time waits for no one: Teach your children that lost time can never be found again and that each second counts. It’s the most valuable thing a person can spend, and therefore, it should be spent wisely. Teach them to tell time with this free printable clock with two options – one that tells minutes-past and minutes-to, and a standard version to make it extra educational. Here are other fun clocks too.

Ready to discover your creative side? Happy, World Creative & Innovative Day, PNA fans!

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