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It’s Koesister Day!

International Koesisters Day PNA Recipe

We are celebrating International Koesister Day, and no, it is not a spelling error. A koesister is a proudly South African treat, rich in flavour and heritage, and something you will find around every corner in Cape Town.

So what is a koesister you ask? It’s a deep-fried treat, flavoured with cinnamon, cardamom, mixed spice, and aniseed. It is then dipped in hot sugar syrup and rolled in coconut.

Koesisters - a firm South African favourite.
Koesisters – a definite South African favourite.

The recipe of this heritage packed sweet treat comes from Shihaam Domingo, a pillar in the arts and entertainment industry, owner of The Domino Effect and Cape Cultural Collective board member.

We’re also combining creating and cooking this month to celebrate our unique heritage – let’s face it, cooking is an art too! Shihaam’s koesister recipe has been sketched beautifully by Ancel Le Roux.


Mix all the dry ingredients together.
Heat 1¼ cup of milk and butter to just before boiling point.
Whisk a ¼ cup of milk and eggs, then add it to the milk and butter mixed above.
Make a hole in the middle of the dry mix, add the milk mix to the dry ingredients mix and combine thoroughly.
Place it in a bowl with a lid and let it rise for 2 hours.
Knead the dough for 1 minute.
Roll the dough out in “bolletjies” and place it on an oil-smeared surface.
Let it rest for half an hour.
Heat the oil in a casserole and “braai” the ‘deegbolletjies’ until light brown and cooked.
Let it cool.


Cook all the ingredients together until the syrup thickens. (Dilute with rosewater if needed.)
Place the Koesisters in the syrup mix and mix well.
Remove from the syrup mix and roll it in coconut.

Don’t forget to enjoy a cup of coffee with your new favourite treat!

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