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Join the Funky Socks Day at PNA and Make a Difference!

We are delighted to announce the 4th annual Funky Socks Day, aimed at raising funds to equip schools for better education.

Supporting Education with Breadline Africa

Once again, we are partnering with Breadline Africa, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing infrastructure and educational support to schools in disadvantaged South African communities. Through this initiative, we hope to encourage our customers, schools, and corporate partners to support us in giving young children in struggling communities a better start to their education by providing early childhood development (ECD) centers with the essential equipment they need.

How You Can Help

This year, we aim to equip 50 ECD centers with educational packs valued at R25,000 each. You can participate by purchasing a Funky Socks Day sticker for R10 at your local PNA store and wearing your funkiest socks on Friday, 13 September 2024, to support the cause. Every cent raised through this campaign will go directly to Breadline Africa, who will use the funds to procure the educational items listed by various ECD principals.

Special Contributions by Sock Doctor

In addition to raising funds, we have partnered with Sock Doctor, who will generously give selected stores 250 pairs of school socks. These socks will be donated to local schools or children’s charities.

Custom Funky Socks

During the campaign period from 18 July to 23 September 2024, PNA stores will offer two special custom-designed socks for sale. Each design will cost R89 per pair. Proceeds will support the School Supply Mission initiative.

Join the Movement!

Rock your Funky Socks for Brighter Classrooms! Purchase a sticker for R10 from your nearest PNA store and wear your funky socks on 13 September 2024.

Raise R1 Million: Our goal is to raise R1 million from sticker sales to equip 50 ECD centers with educational essentials.

We invite and encourage our customers, schools, and corporate partners to join our school supply mission, in partnership with Breadline Africa, and make a difference in the lives of many young children, giving them a chance for a better start to their education.

For more information and to participate, visit your nearest PNA store today!

Thank you for your support in helping us shape futures and build brighter classrooms.

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