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Paper Quilling by Tracy Balkin

Paper Quilling by Tracy Balkin

What you will need:

  1. Coloured paper
  2. Steel ruler
  3. NT cutter/blade
  4. Pencil
  5. Cardboard
  6. Wood glue
  7. Toothpick
  8. Quilling tool
  9. Tweezer

Getting started:

  • With the ruler and blade, carefully cut strips of the same width (standard widths are 3/5/7/10mm). (Alternatively, you can purchase pre-cut strips.)
  • Using your quilling tool, insert the end of a strip into the slot at the tip of the tool.
  • Holding the paper in the slot steadily, turn the tool to wind the paper into a tight coil.
  • Slide it off the tool and release it to loosen to the size desired.
  • Using the toothpick, place a tiny amount of glue at the end of the strip and hold it in place for a few seconds.
  • By pinching the coil at one end or both ends, you can create various shapes. For example, a teardrop or marquise. Without glue, you can create S-shapes.
  • Draw your desired picture onto the cardboard.
  • Using the tweezer to hold your paper strip or rolled piece, gently glue one side of it and paste it in place. Continue to paste your pieces in place until your quilled picture is complete.
  • Allow to dry.

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